On Thu, 30 Oct 2003, Mr. William M. Kane wrote:

> Perhaps the Rebel doesn't have a quality sensor in it?

I think it's a quantity issue, actually.  It's the same sensor as the
10D.  If nothing else, they are already tooled up to make it.
Canon has said, however, that they have made progress in making sensor
production cheaper--a logical step because for a cheap camera the sensor
ist the most expensive part.  That's where their R&D and other expense
appears to have gone.  The 10D is not much of an upgrade from the D60
from what I can tell and I've read that the major "improvement" was really 
to make the design and manufacturing of the camera cheaper and more easily
scaleable.  To make more 10D cameras Canon doesn't need another factory 
but just adds a modular team of guys and stuff, as I understand it.

The Rebel is probably a bit cheaper to make to start with since it isn't
as well built as the 10D, plus they moved production to some other Asian 
country to cut costs as well.  They COULD also be losing money on it,
but I suspect they are not.  They've just optimized for cheap mass 
production now that the camera is in its third generation and the 
technology isn't moving so fast.


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