On 5/11/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>> I were take a guess here it may be an industry standard that the index
>> finger controls the shutter with the thumb controlling the aperature as the
>> aforementioned products lines conform to this standard..  Maybe someone can
>> tell me if canon and nikon also conform to this standard as well.
>The D1 has this configuration,but i THINK the F90X has one wheel.I'll
>look at it
>tonight.(dont use it much)

D60 has this config. Index for shutter, thumb for aperture in manual.
Except the thumb isn't moving a horizontally mounted thumbwheel on the
back, it is a vertically mounted wheel, all of which is exposed. This
wheel is also used for selecting many other functions. In Tv and Av, the
index finger controls shutter and aperture respectively, the rear wheel
has no effect.




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