On 6 Nov 2003, Frits [ISO-8859-1] Wüthrich wrote: > USA pricing for the *ist D: > $1349.99 : > http://www.ccicameracity.com/brproduct.asp?ccode=pistd > $1399.00: > http://www.cameraunlimited.com/webstores/www/stores_app/Browse_Item_Details.asp?Store_id=101&page_id=23&Item_ID=2920 > http://datavisioncomputer.com/webapp/commerce/command/ProductDisplay?prrfnbr=1236436&prmenbr=2000
The problem with using search engines to look for cameras in the US is that many camera resellers are really sleazy and often use illegal tactics to advertise those low prices. Actually getting the camera at those prices can be difficult to impossible. This makes it hard to sell used cameras too -- I have a brand new in box Sony DSC-F717 that I'm selling (it is new because I got it as a warranty replacement, I'm selling it because the *ist D replaced it) and I'm offering it for about $100 less than any reputable online dealer. I've gotten two people who have complained that I'm asking too much because they can get it from places such as the above. I tell them to go ahead and see if they ever get the camera. Here are some store ratings for ccicameracity.com: http://www.resellerrating.com/seller1734.html The other two aren't listed in that site. I would avoid any US online camera store which you can't find ratings for though -- these companies often change names to avoid their bad press (and probably prosecution). alex