> I'm not questioning anyone's measurements, as you pointed out, I get the 
> same thing.  My original question was whether or not we had actual times 
>   from some factual source or whether the times were being deduced, 
> hence "speculation".
> Here is an example of what I mean, taken from one of your previous 
> posting on this thread:
> > The additional sensor-clear lag is usually well under 1/10 of a second;
> If the sensor was being cleared, we could state something like this 
> since we know that minimum shutter lags without AF are < 1/10 sec.  But 
> we don't even know if the sensor is being cleared, so we cannot say this 
> for a FACT.

Ah, but we *do* know for a FACT that the sensor is being cleared.  The
sensor is used to provide live preview on the LCD display, and needs to
be cleared before being used to capture the real image.

And, in any case, sensor spec sheets have been quoted here which give
the exact clear time for the sensor (and which confirm that the sensor
must be cleared before an image can be captured).

Furthermore, just a reminder:  my original post was made simply to try
to put an end to speculation that the sensor clear accounted for any
significant part of the total shutter lag - a theory which is totally
contradicted both by sensor spec sheets and by empirical measurements.

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