John Francis wrote:

Ah, but we *do* know for a FACT that the sensor is being cleared. The sensor is used to provide live preview on the LCD display, and needs to be cleared before being used to capture the real image.

Interesting. I know that it must clear the sensor array, that is a given, otherwise the sensor sites, which are tiny capacitors, would saturate. And this probably takes place (I'm speculating) for every frame it puts out while providing a live image. I'm wondering whether it needs to do a separate, special clear before it captures the image, and if so why? And if so, how long? Any ideas? My suspicion is that the frame rate to the LCD live display sets the mininum clear time and that there is no "special" clear, only a longer or shorter, post-clear, capture, which reflects the "shutter speed" of the image.

And, in any case, sensor spec sheets have been quoted here which give
the exact clear time for the sensor (and which confirm that the sensor
must be cleared before an image can be captured).

OK, now were talking fact. If there is a data sheet that has this spec, then that should quiet any argument claiming large sensor clearing lag. This is what I was looking for.

Furthermore, just a reminder:  my original post was made simply to try
to put an end to speculation that the sensor clear accounted for any
significant part of the total shutter lag - a theory which is totally
contradicted both by sensor spec sheets and by empirical measurements.

I had no doubt in my mind about this.

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