John Francis wrote:
> >
> > FYI, the TSA has made a change in the regs:
> >
> >
> Well, yes.  But the additional bag still has to comply with the
> weight and size restrictions for carry-on baggage.  It's rather
> hard for me to carry my 250-600 that way. So my choice is either
> leave it at home or put it in checked baggage.
> I'm thinking of getting another smaller case which will serve me
> as a day-to-day carryaround for the *ist-D and some of my smaller
> lenses, and to take that as carry-on when travelling, loading it
> up with just the bodies, any film I plan to use, and suchlike.
> P.S.  Don't you just love the advice that film should be removed
>       from the canister and placed in a clear plastic bag?
>       And why just unexposed film, anyway?  What about exposed
>       but undeveloped film?

You carry the unexposed film with a bit of the leader hanging out, and
the exposed film with the leader wound up inside the cartridge.
Relative to the wording of the regulations, I think they assume the
exposed film is not subject to damage by xrays, so they don't mention it.
Do you think it is?

keith whaley

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