Unless you live in the UK, you are not allowed to charge a surcharge on
buyers who pay with PayPal.  Details:


"No Surcharges. Under Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express
regulations and the laws of several states, including California,
merchants may not charge a fee to the buyer for accepting credit card
payments (often called a "surcharge"). You agree that you will not impose
a surcharge or any other fee for accepting PayPal as payment. This
restriction does not prevent you from imposing a handling fee in
connection with the sale of goods or services, as long as the handling fee
does not operate as a surcharge (in other words, the handling fee for
transactions paid through PayPal may not be higher than the handling fee
for transactions paid through other payment methods)."

UK sellers are allowed to charge a surcharge, but if they do then they are
not elligible for PayPal's seller protection, which means that any
chargeback on the part of the buyer will result in the seller's account
being debited.  What this means for UK sellers is that even if you follow
all laws and rules--even if you ship via registered, insured mail with
full tracking and signature required--even if you ship to the buyer's
registered address and do everything that PayPal asks of you--you are
still not protected if you charged them a PayPal surcharge.  PayPal will
take the buyer's money back from you and refund it to the buyer.  Gotta
love 'em.


On Thu, 27 Nov 2003, Dr E D F Williams wrote:

> Which is the violation 1) the surcharge on PayPal or 2) charging it on all
> payment types? I only do it for PayPal anyway. Lots of sellers add 5% for
> PayPal.
> Don
> _______________
> Dr E D F Williams
> http://personal.inet.fi/cool/don.williams
> Author's Web Site and Photo Gallery
> See New Pages 'The Cement Company from HELL!'
> Updated: August 15, 2003
> "Oh my God! They've killed Teddy!"
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chris Brogden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2003 5:54 PM
> Subject: Re: PayPal's new policy
> > On Thu, 27 Nov 2003, Dr E D F Williams wrote:
> >
> > > In the meantime I'm going to raise my surcharge to 5.5% and add a
> > > handling charge as well. Once I get rid of all the stuff I have to sell
> > > I'll just drop eBay and PayPal completely.
> >
> > Do you charge that surcharge for PayPal orders only, or for all payment
> > types?  According to PayPal's rules, that's a violation of their TOS
> > agreement.
> >
> > chris
> >
> >

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