"David Madsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Two bassists posts back to back, at least in the order that my server sent
>them to me.  I have been listening to Jonas Hellborg's "The Word" a little
>lately.  Very good album for bass enthusiasts.  

Wow! I'd forgotten about him! I don't have any of his recordings but I
saw him with John McLaughlin once and he blew me away!

I once saw Jaco Pastorius, sadly towards the end of his life when mental
illness was overcoming him completely. He was so incoherent that the
club ended up refunding everyone who came to both his shows that night.

>I am normally an Ozzy kind
>of guy, but I enjoy good music in most of it's forms.  As I mentioned
>previously, I have been drumming for 25 years, I also play piano and guitar,
>and I enjoy songwriting.  I have done some recording and have had radio
>play, but have not released anything - yet.  

I've done lots of recording - I'm probably more of a studio guy than a
live performer in terms of ability, but I love doing live gigs.

Music here: http://www.robertstech.com/music.htm

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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