On 29/11/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>1) How many have totally given up shooting film and have moved
>completely to digital (That means no film and film cameras in your
>equipment cabinet)?


>2) How many are in the process of doing so (like Bruce, who is actually
>selling equipment) as opposed to "thinking about it," which doesn't
>count in this survey.

See next question.

>3) How many have made the switch to digital, but keep a film camera
>around for one reason or another, although you do not use, and have not
>used, the film camera since acquiring your digital camera?

Yep, that's me.  I have an MX , winder and lens that will be buried with
me. It sits on the shelf a monument to my early photographic years.
Haven't used it since the digi came along. In fact haven't shot any film
since the digi came along - didn't even finish the roll in the CL before
I sold it.

>4) To put the numbers in perspective, how many list members are there.

Me + you + everyone else on the list = the total.


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