I certainly don't know. The magazines I shoot for want 40 megabyte files. The stock house I shoot for wants 40 megabyte files. My Epson 3200 will yield just about exactly that when scanning 35mm full frame. When I scan medium format, I still scan full frame at 3200, then downsize in PhotoShop. I haven't had any complaints, and I've sold quite a few 40 meg scans both to the mags and through the stock house. I did have one request for "very hi-res" on a stock image, so I supplied a 172 meg 24 bit file of a 6x7 scan. Again from my Epson.

On Saturday, November 29, 2003, at 09:37 PM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

What is a "professional image?"

graywolf wrote:

I read someones comment one that 385 megabytes was the minimum files size for
professional images.

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