The biggest problem there is that most of the people making claims have an ax to grind. We have temperture records going back only to 1865 or so. The next best record is core samples from trees, but that only goes back a thousand years or so except for a few species that are limited to isolated areas of the globe. That does not give much of a record to prove anything with.

Geological data shows that the world has been a lot colder than it is now, and that it also has been a lot warmer than it is now. I think that proves something. Which is that the whole issue is, to quote Shakespeare, "Much ado about nothing".


frank theriault wrote:

The question isn't whether global warming is happening, but why (natural fluctuations or greenhouse effect caused by greenhouse gases, or a combo of the two).


"You might as well accept people as they are,
you are not going to be able to change them anyway."

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