As to whether digital and film should be judged separately, I really don't care. It's up to the club or those holding the competition to make the rules, and those who wish to enter either abide by those rules, or not.

Personally, I've never been a big fan of art competitions anyway, whether they be piano, dance, painting, photography, whatever. Art stands on it's own. Either a viewer likes it, or they don't. It shouldn't be a competition, imho.

Of course, that's just a personal opinion, and it's a reason why I wouldn't enter a competition myself, but for those of you who enjoy these things and enter these things, I make no judgment on you.

But, here's the real point of my post (sometimes it takes a while <g>):

How is it that digital shooters have "an unfair advantage"? There's a digital look and a film look (not that I can always tell the difference). Digital is faster, but for a contest, that wouldn't be an issue. Yes, digital can be manipulated in ways that film can't, or at least manipulations can be made much easier. But if you shoot film, you accept that limitation.

Any ideas? Am I missing something really obvious?


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

From: "Tom Reese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: interesting camera club debate
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2003 14:42:19 -0500

We had a debate at our photography club the other night about digital vs.
film photography and whether they should be judged separately. One member
was adamant that digital prints should be separated from film prints because
digital shooters have an unfair advantage. It didn't take long to realize
that this could turn into a huge can of worms: what about slides that are
scanned then printed? what about negatives that are scanned then printed?
The issue was tabled and the current rules will be used for the next six
months then we may revisit the issue.

The current rules are: severely manipulated digital images must be entered
in the digital category (cloning, cut and pasting etc). Any digital image
that was only cropped and color corrected can go head to head with the film

I'd be interested in hearing what other clubs are doing.

Tom Reese

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