Looks like dust on the sensor.

Try this to confirm - find a light subject, like a window with translucent curtains. Flip your lens to manual focus, throw the window out of focus, pan across the window and shoot a handful of shots. Then do a slide show of the shots on your PC screen. If the spots are there and they are in the same spot shot after shot, it's probably dust on the sensor.

I got dust on the sensor my first day out with the *ist-D. (I guess shooting the beach in gale force winds was a bad idea.) Every couple of weeks I do the above test to check for dust. So far I've cleaned the sensor 3 times. I bought a big ear syringe at the drug store, put fresh batteries in the camera, flip the camera into CCD cleaning mode, and pump.


At 07:58 PM 12/16/2003 -0500, you wrote:
i got this problem on my istD that happens with all my lenses. there are
about 5-14 (depends on type of picture) dark spots appear. its not the lens
because they appear in the exact same position every time. it also seems to
show up worse on blue sky than anything else.

i put the worst one as a full size jpg exactly as it came off the card
online http://www.xdstech.com/istd/IMGP0522.JPG

the shot was taken with the fa 135mm 2.8

it was shot with the sun just at the edge of the roof. i count 13 spots
(some quite faint and some glaring)

any idea what it might be? dirt on the sensor?



Mark Cassino Photography

Kalamazoo, MI



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