Hello arnie,

Have you tried looking at the sensor itself?  I could see the dust
speck on mine.

Best regards,

Wednesday, December 17, 2003, 3:45:37 PM, you wrote:

a> well bruce, i've tried that. it only seems to show up in the sky.

a> ----- Original Message ----- 
a> From: "Bruce Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
a> To: "arnie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
a> Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 10:23 AM
a> Subject: Re[2]: artifacts

>> Hello arnie,
>> Any light colored relatively uniform surface would work.  You aren't
>> trying to take a beautiful photo here, just test the sensor.  Point a
>> light at a light colored wall and take a picture of it.  It's not like
>> you are going to waste film  :)
>> Bruce
>> Wednesday, December 17, 2003, 4:59:46 AM, you wrote:
>> a> well i tried cleaning the sensor, however because i can only see the
a> spots
>> a> on the sky, i'm going to have to wait to test it. we are supposed to
a> get
>> a> around 2 inches of rain today here in nyc.
>> a> thanks for all the help
>> a> arnie
>> a> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> a> From: "Bruce Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> a> To: "arnie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> a> Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 8:56 PM
>> a> Subject: Re: artifacts
>> >> Hello arnie,
>> >>
>> >> Looks very much like dust on the sensor.  I had one dust spot on mine.
>> >> It could easily be seen by setting on B and holding the shutter open.
>> >> A small puff of air took care of it for me.
>> >>
>> >> My friend's Nikon D100 had the exact same issue.  2 or 3 spots on his.
>> >> Since I had just cleared mine, he showed me a couple of shots and I
>> >> spotted it right away.  He checked and sure enough - dust.  Again, for
>> >> him just a puff or two of air cleaned it.
>> >>
>> >> Bruce
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Tuesday, December 16, 2003, 4:58:40 PM, you wrote:
>> >>
>> >> a> i got this problem on my istD that happens with all my lenses. there
>> a> are
>> >> a> about 5-14 (depends on type of picture) dark spots appear. its not
a> the
>> a> lens
>> >> a> because they appear in the exact same position every time. it also
>> a> seems to
>> >> a> show up worse on blue sky than anything else.
>> >>
>> >> a> i put the worst one as a full size jpg exactly as it came off the
a> card
>> >> a> online http://www.xdstech.com/istd/IMGP0522.JPG
>> >>
>> >> a> the shot was taken with the fa 135mm 2.8
>> >> a> 1/3000
>> >> a> f13
>> >>
>> >> a> it was shot with the sun just at the edge of the roof. i count 13
a> spots
>> >> a> (some quite faint and some glaring)
>> >>
>> >> a> any idea what it might be? dirt on the sensor?
>> >>
>> >> a> arnie
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>

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