Since we are all scattered from Central Queensland to Melbourne and perhaps
Perth, it does not make much sense to try and organise a meeting/outing on
short notice. For the US mob, Australia has the land mass of the continental
United states with the population of California. Canberra is 4-5 hours away
from me and a good 2 and 1/2 days form Clermont Queensland.
        Holiday periods are great to set up for an outing but the only one that
seems to fit the bill would be the June long weekend. Most of the other are
too short or require family. It may be best, as in Rob's case, to make
contact through our travels. Since a spend a fair amount of time in
Queensland, Tanya can expect me to call in - with advance notice - as I have
driven past her town countless times. Did she mention Wolf Fang park. I
think it is a bunch of volcano plugs that have had the earth worn away. To
me, it is the most exciting sight between Mackay and Emerald.
        If our mob can decide on a venue and, if there are enough, we could perhaps
get the Pentax distributor CR Kennedy involved. Could be fun.



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