Chris asked... "How do you pronounce "whinging"?  I assume it's wine-ing,
but I keep saying win-jing in my head."

then, Bob said: "Australians pronounce 'bastards' wonderfully. That's why we
whinge so much - we just love to listen to their cute little accent"

followed by Franks image of fairygirl in a, *gulp* cheerleader's outfit...

and then, Chris's observations of fairygirl "complaining about her puppies
or something"...

it gets worse... cause then, Bob W chimes in with his FANTASTIC explanation
of the definition and history behind the terminology "bloody whinging pommy
bastards" and adviced that fairygirl could "remove her cheerleader's outfit
now" *double EEK*...

to which Graywolf added his very concise, and accurate definition of the
aforementioned terminology...

and then, Cotty, the only one who apparently is talking ANY sense at all,
sums it all up with "World Goes Mad - Official"...

WHAT a fantastic way to wake up in the morning, I came to my 'puter and
literally laughed my way through breakfast.  You guys are so hilarious, and
have just increased my motivation to get to GFM about 10-fold...

Ok, seems that there is an Aussie accent lesson in order here...

The terminology is pronounced as follows in my "neck o' the woods" (thanks
for the quote Al Rocker...), hehe...

....drum-roll please...

"blud-dee win-jin' pom-ee baar-stads!" (with emphasis on the EXCLAMATION
mark!) lol...

meaning as follows in said context:

"bloody" - please place emphasis on the following terminology, and know that
it is said with passion...

"whinging" - a verbal occurance that happens frequently and continuously,
usually a complaint of sorts, that is both annoying and punishable with
violence toward the whinger, if repeated frequently and continuously
enough... (the point at which it reaches "enough" is decided upon at the
discretion of the whingee...")

"pommy" - an individual of English descent, usually with fair skin, pink
cheeks, and generally assumed to have a very strange concept of bathing...

"bastard" - an australian colloquial, generally meaning "whinging pommy", so
really, a tautology when used in conjunction with the above defined terms,
*however*, in typical australian form, it generally has many meanins and can
also be taken as a term of endearance when used in an altogether separate
context... eg.  "how ya goin', ya fat bastard?", usually accompanied by a
friendly slap on the back, and said as the recipient is being offered a
seat, and having a "coldie" forced into his awaiting palm.  This term has
also been known to be used in context with display of the typically
Australian "tall poppy syndrome", when someone achieves at a high level of
their chosen vocation, phrased as follows "'friggin' lucky bastard, how did
he/she manage to get THAT far/famous/rich etc?!?"

hope this clears some things up for you, obviously uneducated mob of
vegemite hating, pentax loving, bloody hooligans...

hooroo...! <VBG>

tan.  *as she ducks for cover*

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