Really Chris, do I detect a strange tone to your voice?  Sarcasm? Cynicism
even?  I promise you, I could never lay claim to such eloquently written
words, and yes, I do agree that the imparitiality and objectivity are to be
admired.  I'll have to look it up and see just who it is that gets chosen to
write these things...

;-).... oops, who put that wink there?!?


> Ah, yes... I couldn't help but be bowled over by the overwhelming
> impartiality and objectivity that is the hallmark of academic writing.  :)
> Good job on the transcription.
> ;)
> chris
> On Sat, 3 Jan 2004, Tanya Mayer Photography wrote:
> > Chris said: "That has to be the best o' the lot so far.  Thanks, Tan.
> >
> > Chris, I have no idea what you are talking about, those definitions were
> > plaguarised straight from the "Oxford Dictionary of Australian
> > Pronounciations and Prose" - a text that is used and referred to in
> > Universities all over the country!!
> >
> > <vbg>
> >
> > tan.
> >

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