On Jan 3, 2004, at 10:14 AM, frank theriault wrote

That, BTW, is what I love about Paul Stenquist's current PUG entry. The front and back edges of the car a just a bit blurred. That's a great job of panning!!

Well, thanks Frank. It's all about getting in the swing. Once one has practiced high speeds pans, they're easy. If the car is going 150 mph, 1/125 is slow enough. But if it's going 70, you'll want 1/30. The shutter release point should bet in the midpoint of your swing. And of course you should prefocus on the point on the track where you will pull the trigger. To get the midpoint in focus and the front and rear a bit out, you have to pick a point that's at a 30 to 45 degree angle from where you've planted your feet. But make sure you're body is in a relaxed position at the point where you pull the trigger. In other words, you should begin your pan extended to the direction from which the car is coming and pull the trigger when you're in the position from which you normall shoot. Then continues the swing until the car is out of range and your shutter is closed.

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