On Sat, 3 Jan 2004 22:37:55 -0500, Paul Stenquist wrote:

> It's all about getting in the swing.  Once one has practiced high
> speeds pans, they're easy. If the car is going 150 mph, 1/125 is
> slow enough. But if it's going 70, you'll want 1/30.

I'm not as good at panning as John and Paul, so I use about 1/250 with
higher speeds and 1/125 or 1/60 for lower speeds.  I still need a lot
more practice, which I'm less likely to get, since my brother and I
(http://www.NutDriver.org) are preparing to get our competition
licenses in February.  Then I'll be spending more time behind the wheel
and less behind the viewfinder.

> Then continues the swing until the car is out of range and your
> shutter is closed.

Just like golf or baseball or shooting, the follow through is critical.


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