Sure, there is a slight color difference.  That's to be expected from two different 
brands of filters with perhaps different coloration,
using different glass, and with you using your eye to determine the deepest blue.  
Better?  Neither is better ... just slightly

What do you mean by not being able to see the difference.  You just noted the 
difference in color.  What other differences would you
expect to see between two filters?

Here's a thought: go shoot a variety of pics in different circumstances, with 
different lenses, and different film, and then compare all
the shots with both filters ... you should then be able to determine which is the best 
filter for your needs and style and film etc.

I believe graywolf said that there's far too much time spent on technical minutia here.

Both the Hoya and the B+W are good filters ... neither is going to improve your 
photography, and neither will take anything away from
it.  IMO, you're going through some unneeded mental gymnastics.  Why should you care 
what someone else has to say about which polarizing
filter THEY prefer.  You're the final arbiter on what you like and what works for you.


Alan Chan wrote:

> This has nothing to do with Pentax, but I reckon there are some experts here
> might be able to tell the differences. I did 2 shots this afternoon with
> identical setting just to see if there was any colour difference between
> HOYA & B+W CPL. I turned the filters until they gave the deepest blue colour
> possible. These shots were done with the Canon A80 because I do not have the
> *ist D. Now called me naive, but I compared these 2 shots side by side at
> 100% in Photoshop, and while there is some very slight colour difference
> (could be due to the lack of precise angle of the CPLs), I would not be able
> to determine which is better and found them equally good on my monitors.
> Some comments I received from other forum suggested the HOYA one was
> slightly "fogged", while another said he would buy B+W. What am I missing?
> Why cannot I see the difference? I could "faked" their titles and tricked
> people to believe the HOYA was B+W, and like vise, but I did not. I want
> some honest opinion here. Anyone?
> HOYA Ultra CPL:
> B+W CPL:

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