The wedding photography thread got me thinking about my experiences...

I wanted to shoot some portraits of a bride and groom and couldn't find the
groom. He was outside behind the building smoking dope with the best man. By
the end of the reception he was stoned out of his mind and trying to give me
a handful of cash from the wedding gifts that the B&G received (of course I
turned him down...several times). Another time, I showed up at the brides
house at 12:00 noon per my appointment for the pre-wedding portraits of
bride with mom, dad, etc. The bride answered the door in jeans and a t-shirt
and asked me to wait while they all ate lunch. She was finally ready at
12:50 with a 1:00 wedding. She actually bitched later on because I couldn'tt
deliver the full 100 pictures that were specified in the contract. The most
personally embarassing incident was when I knelt down to take a group
picture in the church after the wedding and my pants split wide open down
the back. I had to finish the shoot like that. I did change my pants before
I went to the reception.

I quit doing them eventually. I couldn't take wearing the jacket in the hot
weather (summer weddings suck IMO), the neckties, the drunks and all the
other aggravation. I wish I could just shoot the B& G portraits and forget
about all the other stuff...

Tom Reese

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