Tom Reese said:"

> The wedding photography thread got me thinking about my experiences...
> I wanted to shoot some portraits of a bride and groom and couldn't find
> groom. He was outside behind the building smoking dope with the best man.
> the end of the reception he was stoned out of his mind and trying to give
> a handful of cash from the wedding gifts that the B&G received (of course
> turned him down...several times)."

Are you crazy man, like, you should've like, taken the dosh dude... oh, and
like, peace, man, OKAAAY!?


At least he would've been nice and relaxed for his night, pity though as he
would've had red eyes in all of his shots!  I have seen it tooooo many times
in grooms and it is just so obvious!

" Another time, I showed up at the brides house at 12:00 noon per my
appointment for the pre-wedding portraits of
> bride with mom, dad, etc. The bride answered the door in jeans and a
t-shirt and asked me to wait while they all ate lunch. "

I had one who had made the appointment for me to arrive at 1.30pm after
doing the grooms preparation shots, so I got there at 1.35pm (yeah, I was 5
mins late due to said groom deciding at the last second to use his drag car
in the shots and having to go and pick it up).  When I arrived she was
beetroot red and screamed at me when I walked in the door.  "Omg, where the
hell have you been, we've been ready since ONE O'CLOCK!!!!" I was like
"ummm, I'm sorry that I am a little late but the groom wanted to add the car
to his shots and they had to go and get it".  She yells "WELL, ISN'T IT
immediately, devastakingly (sic) nervous and proceeded to shake my way
through every shot, all the while hoping against hope that I didn't stuff
any up or Bridezilla would have me for breakfast!  So, we got through the
preparation shots, and the ceremony, after which I took the bride and groom
back into the church to do some creative stuff with the stain glass windows
behind the alter.  Whilst I was setting up the shot with my tripod etc.  She
was chatting away with the groom and bitched about how I was 3/4 of an hour
late.  To which he and I BOTH responded in unison (sic, too lazy to check
it!), "you mean 5 minutes late?" and she said "no, 3/4 of an hour late, she
was supposed to be there at 1pm".  I showed her my diary where I had
originally written 1pm and then crossed it out and changed it to 1.30pm when
she had *phone me and aske me to do it*!!  The groom confirmed it and the
bride apologised and spent the rest of the afternoon embarrassed that she
had verbally attacked me and blaming herself "if the photos are a mess cause
i upset the photographer for no reason".  Anyways, some of the shots are on
my site, under the "Roses Are Red" link, and she was more than happy with
the result.  Thank gawd!  BTW, the wedding wasn't until 4pm and we had
finished shooting by 2pm and so had to sit there twiddling our thumbs for
almost 2 full hours!  I always recommend that I don't come until around half
an hour before the wedding, unless I am covering the hair/makeup/getting
dressed thing, cause it really doesn't take that long to take shots of the
bridesmaids/bride/mum, dad etc

"> I quit doing them eventually. I couldn't take wearing the jacket in the
hot weather (summer weddings suck IMO), the neckties, the drunks and all the
other aggravation. I wish I could just shoot the B& G portraits and forget
about all the other stuff..."

Har!  Did I ever tell you about the time the couple was having a nuptual
(sic, yeah, again, i know i'm lazy!) mass, where they have communion etc and
it goes for like 2 hours, on the hottest day we had had in 5 years?  It was
48 degrees inside the darn church and people were dropping like flies.
Literally, fainting all over the place, including my assistant, who happened
to do so just as they were about to exchange the rings...!  It was so hot,
the guys in the wedding party didn't even wear their jackets, just their
vests and shirts, and they even had to send out for an esky of bottled iced
water to hand out to the guests during the ceremony.

....I learned my lesson and don't take an assistant with me anymore...


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