----- Original Message ----- 

Subject: RE: wedding photography...ugh!

> I agree.  I recall Doug Brewer recently telling Tanya that, although she
> talented, many of her shots looked like recycled versions of other
> ideas.  "Perhaps that is true", I said to myself, "but I have seldom seen
> wedding shots that don't."  Certainly I've never seen any wedding
> on THIS list produce stuff that struck me as truly original.  That is not
> say that it is not beautiful - some of it is most striking.
> I think that, considering the various forces and demands tugging at the
> shooter from the sundry directions, obtaining good results, let alone
great or
> original results, is a respectable feat.

Most wedding photographers have a checklist of shots that need to be gotten.
They start at number one, and work their way down the list.
Like Mr. Rubenstein said, the customer knows what a wedding album should
look like, and you had better produce one for them that looks like what they
think it should look like.

William Robb

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