It keeps the same shutter speed. It is as though you had set the exposure manually. It "sticks" until you push the button again.


Shel Belinkoff wrote:

OK, now for the $64,000 question:

Once the ap and shutter speed have been set,
will the camera remember them for subsequent
exposures until it's reset, or does the green button
routine have to be implemented for each exposure?

Bill Owens wrote:

I just updated mine and guess what guys and gals?  The ist D will now meter
and expose properly with my M100/4.0 Macro. Directions on how to accomplish:

1. Set custom functions "f stop other than A" to on
2 Set mode dial to M
3. Set aperture ring to desired f-stop
4. Press the green button
5 Press shutter release and take photo


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