Also note:
1. You can turn the camera off, turn it back on, and the previous setting is still there. Just like as though it were a manual camera! It stays there until you press the green button again or change the lens.
2. You can adjust the aperture (using the oldfashioned ring around the base of the lens) and the setting stays the same. Until you hit the green button.
3. You can activate the DOF lever and then twirl either the Tv or the Av dial. And the new settings stay the same until you hit the green button. It will be interesting to see how this interacts with the 330 external flash...

You may have noticed my grumbling about the poorly designed grip the other day. Add another grumble: the vertical grip does not have a green button...

Bill Owens wrote:

It only works in manual mode with basically aperture priority.  Set the
aperture, press the green button and you've got the correct shutter speed
for center weighted metering (matrix is not available except on "A" lenses.
As long as the light is constant, the setting is fine, but does not
automatically change if the light does. In that case, press the green button
again.  It takes less than 1 second for the camera to compute the correct
shutter speed.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Brogden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 12:14 AM
Subject: Re: version 1.1

The release mentions HyperManual mode, but doesn't specify aperture
priority.  If I stop an M or K lens down and press the green button, will
this give a correct shutter speed in both manual and aperture priority
modes?  If it works for aperture priority, will the shutter speed vary
with the light, or do I need to press the green button each time I want to
meter the scene?


On Thu, 8 Jan 2004, Bill Owens wrote:

It says M lenses, doesn't mention K. It's basically aperture priority


the added step of pressing the green button. When it's pressed, the


stops down to the selected aperture, the shutter speed is selected, and


lens opens back up. Pressing the shutter release then takes the photo


the selected settings. I now no longer have to use an external meter


my M lens, and get center weighted metering from the camera.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: version 1.1

Just for clarification: does this upgrade mean that K and M lenses are


in aperture priority mode, or stopped down?

William Robb wrote:

Friends, we have improved K-mount compatability.
Now, with the lens off "A", putting the camera into manual and



green button will give the "correct" shutter speed.
EV comp im manual is a nice touch.
The ist D camera just got a whole lot better.

William Robb

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