John Francis said:

> Pretty much exactly what I predicted would be the best we could hope for,
> back when the camera was first released.  I'm favourably impressed;  while
> it was apparent that these capabilities were technically feasible, I still
> thought that the hyper manual stop-down metering was too much to expect.

I find it interesting that they chose to address M-lens compatibility with
new firmware *first*, of all the other potential things they could have

They could have, say, added flashing red blown highlights, which would
seem to be of value to a wider audience. It does seem that they realised
that a large number of (potential) *istD owners value their old lenses.

For me, the fact that they issued a firmware update at all makes me more
confident that they might issue a next one later, maybe adding blown
highlight indication then and histogram on instant review then.

But I also wanted M-lens compatibility *first* :-)

     /_)              /| /
    /   i e t e r    / |/ a g e l

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