John Francis said:
 > Pretty much exactly what I predicted would be the best we could hope
 > back when the camera was first released.  I'm favourably impressed; 
 > it was apparent that these capabilities were technically feasible, I
 > thought that the hyper manual stop-down metering was too much to


this is Thomas from Germany!

I also just installed the new firmware; all language settings and user
settings are kept after doing this - nice!
Only date and time had be set again. 

Stop-down metering works well, 
I think I won't sell my SMC-M 85/2.0 that soon now... :-)

But the best part of it: 
Green button or not, in "M" you also have full metering now with the
DOF-preview activated!
This of course also works with the vertical grip, and with all lenses be
in K, M, A, F or FA!
Very nice!
This quite adds a "Spottie-feeling" to the Starkist, and I think I will
use most of my lenses more often "out of A" again...better useabililty
when swapping between different (and older) bodies.


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