mike wilson wrote:

> About 15years ago I found two whole Triumph Bonnevilles in a 
> skip.  As far as I know, they are still running.....

That is both amazing and very sad. Who on earth would throw away a Triumph
Bonneville, let alone two of them?

> New next door neighbour has just completely gutted the house that 
> the previous owner renovated from top to bottom, in order to 
> sell it......

Not an isolated occurrence sadly.
> A very sad indictment of modern society and an extremely 
> wothwhile project.  Despite the UK having an acknowledged 
> problem with lack of waste disposal space, we can still get 
> goons willing to appear on national TV, saying things like 
> "If the local authority can't get rid of my waste, that's its 
> problem, not mine"

I totally agree. The sad thing is unless my acquaintance has told someone
about his collection, they will probably end up on a skip too. Talk about

I have recorded the changes in my local area for the better part of three
decades now, and the number of beautiful buildings and Victorian and
Edwardian houses that have met the demolition ball over the years is a
scandal. The hideous monstrosities that have replaced them is making the
area featureless and anonymous. 

Is anyone else recording anything that we can show to our grandchildren and
say 'our generation ruined or destroyed (choose appropriate word) this for


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