At 4:36 PM -0800 1/9/04, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Which 50/1.4 do you have?

The M. Just developed some pictures taken with it and am very pleased.

I'm not crazy about the K35/2.0 ... oh, it's a fine optic when stopped down a bit, and i even like it wide open, but it's a little large for my taste. Much prefer the smaller size of the K35/3.5. If you can find one, the K30/2.8 is a great compromise between size and weight and aperture, and, IMO, a better lens all around than the K35/2.0 ... since I've gotten the 30mm I rarely use the 28 or either of the 35's.

I had read somewhere that the K 35/2 was one of the best of the 35's and that the M wasn't as good. I've never seen one so I don't know the size/weight difference. Not sure if I'd like the 30/2.8 as I don't really like 28's and I'd like something faster and less rare.

The K24/2.8 is another fine lens, although methinks it's a bit wide for
good "street photography," but I guess that depends on your definition of
the practice and your shooting style.

I had a 28mm 3.5 and just didn't really like it very much. Not the lens quality so much as the perspective, sorta too wide or not wide enough. Total personal preference. So I thought the 24 might be more fun. I was just flipping through some photos I'd cut from the paper, sort of documentary style stuff and many of them were pretty wide angle. Also might be nice for indoor stuff like churches etc while traveling.

I'm going to keep my eye out for the 85 1.8.

Thanks for all the info.


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