If you are looking for A1 prime lenses, suggest starting with 50mm f1:1.2 M
or A. Price was always a deterent for me, bought an LX outfit on eBay, and
was surprised to see the lens in the bag when the kit arrived(a bonus). It
certainly is worth the price.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: Is there an analog only Pentax list?

> I use an MX's and LX's, and a range of K-mount lenses from 18.mm to
> 200mm.
> Which 50/1.4 do you have?
> I'm not crazy about the K35/2.0 ... oh, it's a fine optic when stopped
> down a bit, and i even like it wide open, but it's a little large for my
> taste.  Much prefer the smaller size of the K35/3.5.  If you can find
> one, the K30/2.8 is a great compromise between size and weight and
> aperture, and, IMO, a better lens all around than the K35/2.0 ... since
> I've gotten the 30mm I rarely use the 28 or either of the 35's.
> The K24/2.8 is another fine lens, although methinks it's a bit wide for
> good "street photography," but I guess that depends on your definition of
> the practice and your shooting style.
> I've had numerous 85mm lenses and settled on the K85/1.8 for its size,
> sharpness, speed, and weight.  I loved the M85/2.0, and I'd have it yet
> had not a lady friend talked me out of it ... damn!
> However, as much as I liked the lens (it's nice and small and more than
> adequate in sharpness) the K85/1.8 was the lens I almost always reached
> for.
> If you get an 85mm, you might want to make the jump to the K120/2.8.
> It's a very nice lens, yes siree!, and while it has a similar optical
> formula to the K105/2.8 (which I've loved since the 1960's version in
> Super Takumar screw mount format), I think the bokeh is a little better,
> perhaps because of the longer focal length.
> A good all-around kit for street photography might be the 30mm, 50mm,
> 85mm, and the 120mm.  Those are ny choices, anyway.
> Well, welcome to the list ... have phun.
> Pentax wrote:
> > I've got an MX. Mostly I'm interested in just seeing what people have
> > to say about lenses. I've found some lens review sites around on the
> > web and many of them are compilations of comments from this list so I
> > figured I'd go right to the source and see what was going on.
> >
> > Just started shooting with the MX again after a year of shooting
> > exclusively with a Rolleicord V and wanted to get a coupla lenses to
> > compliment the 50/1.4. Probably something shorter and something
> > longer with the same build quality and a similiar look and feel to
> > photos (good bokeh, mostly shooting at or near wide open). Something
> > that goes well with Tri-X for handheld, available light, street and
> > travel photography. Maybe the 24/2.8 and one of the 85's or 100's.
> > Three seems like the perfect number. Can bring them all without much
> > overlap. Though the K 35/2 is also appealing...

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