Just replying to the thread in general.

There seems to be a bit of confusion on profiles, color spaces and color management, in general. No surprise. The topic is complex and most of what is written in the popular press doesn't help much.

Here are three resources that may help, the first two are free.

The Color Management white paper in the Articles section of the Digital Light and Color web site. <http://www.dl-c.com> This is a 50 page article. It is a downloadable pdf file. It was the first thing I read about color management that made sense of the topic.

The Color Management section of Norman Koren's web site: <http://www.normankoren.com/color_management.html>

Harald Johnson's book, "Mastering Digital Printing". This is the book that explains it all. If I could only have one book on the printing side of making pictures, this would be it. Information about the book and a lot of other interesting stuff is on his web site: <http://www.dpandi.com/>

If you want to understand Color Management instead of spending a lot of time experimenting to no end. These resources are likely to help.

See you later, gs

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