----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jens Bladt"
Subject: RE: *ist D resolution (was:Soon to be new istD owners)

with 35mm film.
> Simple math tels me that 3000 pixel covering 24mm gives 125 pixel/mm. But
> you need three to make a PAIR of lines. Gives you appr. 43 line pairs/mm,
> right. So, using a 6MP body is like using the poorest lens ever made by
> Pentax - resoluton wise, of cource.

You show me any lens anywhere that can do significantly better than 43lppm
under real world (not high res test target) situations.
With digital capture, there is no resolution loss when subject contrast
drops, unlike film..
The thing about film and lenses is that they increase in resolving power as
contrast increases.
Thats why people like to look at the 1000:1 TOC numbers.
In the real world, a TOC of 1.6:1 is considered closer to normal, and 43
lppm is very good indeed.

William Robb

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