My situation may be slightly diiferent,as i'm planning on getting a 6mp body as well as
keeping a 
2.74mp body, not backing up with same size.
Pretty much for what Tom has said.I would like to put the longer zoom on a 6mp body and
put the short 
zoom on the 2.74mp body for those quick portrait shots which are herd to do at some 
facilities with a long zoom,plus the scale factor.
Wither i purchase a *kist and utilize 10-14 K,M42 and Kaf lenses or stick with Nikon 
i have faster 
glass,and more money put into,remains a huge hummm for me still.  :-)
The D2h is still a mistery,as i keep hearing to many different reports on it,but still
sounds good for my 
work,or the *kist which mande me think about with new firmware already.
Prices on D1H's and D1X's are falling and may fall far enough that i purchase one of 
for the main 
camera and use the D1 as the "spare"


                                        > This one would take a dissertation to answer 
fully. The 
short version:
> The amateur really does not need one. Back when most of us shot both B&W and 
> Color it was convenient to have one body loaded with B&W and one loaded with 
> Kodachrome. But that is not the way things are these days, mostly.
> Now on the other hand a working pro has lots of reasons to want two or more, 
> preferably identical, bodies:
> 1. Instant lens change by switching cameras.
> 2. Non-stop shooting by changing cameras.
> 3. Instant film change by switching bodies.
> 4. Reliability insurance (something breaks, keep shooting with another body.
> 5. Legal protection (in the case of 4, failure to have a second body makes one 
> liable to legal action. Even when your contract says you are not at fault for 
> equipment failures, most judges would find a pro not having back up equipment as 
> being negligent.
> While items 1 to 4 are nice for an amateur they are not essential

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