On Wed, 14 Jan 2004, Boris Liberman wrote:
> Why on Earth one would want to take a 6MP DSLR to be a backup of yet
> another 6MP DSLR?!
> Bringing many batteries or memory cards or even lenses <wink> makes
> sense. But why would one want to bring another body?!
> I am discounting things such as splash of wine one the wedding or
> clumsy assistant or even clumsy photog himself (me e.g.), but
> seriously?!

Body failure is a very valid reason.  A friend who was travelling in
France last year had to drop back to a P&S digital camera when the
mirror assembly on his Canon D30 failed.  I can't use my *ist D
right now because it is off at Pentax getting a new CF door, but
that doesn't mean that I don't have anything that I want to shoot.

I wouldn't mind having another body for the occasional events where I
need to shoot often and quickly.  I don't shoot weddings but could see
loading one up with a moderate wide angle lens (28mm or so) for group
shots and keeping another with a moderate telephoto lens (75mm) for
portraits and head shots.  Sure, a zoom can handle both of these
ranges, but primes are generally sharper, have better bokeh, and are

Film can work in these cases, but honestly I don't really want to
shoot film these days.


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