On 19 Jan 2004 at 8:14, Jens Bladt wrote:

> Hi Rob and other *ist D owners.
> I'm having a dicussion with my brother: Will I loose (visible) data when
> shooting/saving files in camera as JPEG's.

Relative to RAW significant data may be lost depending upon the range of 
illumination of the scene however using the current Pentax RAW convertor you 
may loose the advantage slightly due to it's relatively poor edge performance.

> Is ther a visible difference betwen RAW shots, converted to TIF and a low
> compression (best) JPEG shot. Your answer will be highly appreciated. 

Relative to TIFF the JPEG compression rate is so low (my full res 200ISO low 
compression JPEG files vary from 606k to 4669k per image) that there is only 
faint signs of JPEG compression artifacts under magnification. You would have 
to have a special need for TIFF files to justify saving in-camera TIFF.

RAW would give you some advantage in latitude, reasonable file sizes and some 
advantage to be able to alter colour balance etc after the fact. The RAW 
convertor isn't the best at the moment, the contrast and sharpening controls 
have a different effect to the in-camera processing and also there is the edge 
issue. Hopefully soon there will be improvement on the Pentax product and 
native support under PShop etc. The other thing to consider is that RAW 
conversion puts another pretty slow and laborious step in your image processing 


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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