
SB> I'd agree with that, yet for the type of work Boris was showing, such
SB> creative work with flash is not gonna cut it.  For ambient light
SB> photography (I almost said available light, but some smartass would counter
SB> that the camera flash IS available) one will do much better by
SB> understanding the light and how proper exposure and development can come
SB> together to create a truly wonderful photo rather than the average pap
SB> produced by most photographers these days.

I undoubtedly need to learn which I will as I am afraid <g> PDML will
"force" me to.

SB> More and more the photographs we see have a "generic" look about them ...
SB> so many people are using slower zoom lenses, 400 speed film, lab
SB> processing, and relying on cameras with meters that do the thinking, that
SB> it's becoming rare to find  photographs that are made by the photographer
SB> rather than technology.

I took me very little time to put away slow zoom though I see nothing
wrong with 400 speed film per se. I still process in the lab and rely
on meters though do my own scanning and editing.

Honestly, I think that there're some thing best left to technology,
such as flash automation of sorts, and thing best left to a man, say
choice of aperture (DOF).

But it does really belong to the topic... I think.


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