> > it was found out that there is nothing illegal about taking a 
> > picture of a government building.  It's the jitters of 9/11 
> > that is clouding everything.
> Yep, that's why I got stopped and questioned by the cops one day while
> taking pictures of the UN (with a shortish lens of course) from across
> the river a couple of years ago.

I've had a shopkeeper come out frothing at the mouth because I was
taking a photograph of her store front (from a public parking lot).

The one shot I decided not to try for (on a different occasion)
was Air Force One landing at Moffett Field (Bill Clinton visiting
Chelsea at Stanford);  I felt that the chance of the secret service
mistaking a long lens for a missile launcher wasn't something I was
prepared to risk - the downside considerably outweighed the upside.

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