Tanya Mayer Photography wrote:
Omigosh!  That is hilarious Steve!  You are, as Cotty made note of, one
CRAZY fellow! lol...

I LOVE this bit "performing a black-body radiation analysis: we are within
accepted norms for the commencement of thermal de-creasing "!

My mum taught me how to do that... I blame the physics degree for the language though :-)

How funny you are!  Seeing that you love it so much, wanna come and do some
"non-record breaking" ironing at my house?  You can't CLIMB a mountain to do
it though, as the "mountain" that I am referring to is that of the ironing
itself!  And I even have power points with electricity in my house (go
figure?!?), so that no-one has to stand there and "utilise the high-altitude
solar radiation flux to activate the photothermic sole-plate"!  You'd better
hurry though, school starts in two hours and there are 2 school uniforms
that need your attentions...!

Well, it's a generous offer... I'm not sure even my Extreme!! powers could handle the challenge of getting to Australia before an hour ago though. Looks like I'll have to turn you down this time. ;-)


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