>>       "Pentax, Minolta and Olympus. I would lump all ofthese manufactures
together. They are not really builtto the same quality as Canon and Nikon. If
you chooseprime, fixed focal length lenses though they arecapable of superb
results. Remember I am looking forequipment capable of the absolute best
imaging, sovery few other people would be quite as demanding as Iam. It must
be said a friend of mine, who is aprofessional fashion photographer, uses a
Pentax LXwith pentax prime lenses and his pictures are quitesuperb."  <<

What this guy is saying is that if you want sloppy one-button photography
with 15mm to 1200mm do-all zooms...then don't use pentax...go for the "good
guys" of C and N. But he then says if you like good quality pictures, then
pentax isn't so bad after all.

Pentax kind of reminds me of a slogan i saw on a pair of blue jeans i got
yesterday (as all of the foreign language speakers here wonder why in english
one pant is referred to as a pair....wierd our language is). Anyway...the
slogan was "Quality never goes out of style"...and that is trademarked and
all that stuff by the way.


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