Now you've hit on something I can agree with graywolf. I can't tell you how many of my students can't estimate what 750/150 is, much less half of 750 . . . I blame calculators . . .

. . . of course there is nothing wrong with USING a tool. Tools are there to make our lives simpler, and easier. BUT when we don't know how the tool works, what do we do without the tool?

I for one, am glad I know how a calculator works, and know how a camera works. A friend recently asked me if it was possible to take photos as good as mine with a fully auto camera. I said sure, but it's going to be extremely hard . . . of course she was talking about an Olymp*s SLR . . . ack!

IL Bill
On Sunday, February 15, 2004, at 12:11 PM, graywolf wrote:

I remember a science fiction story. Some undisclosed time in the future there was a University Mathematics Professor who was dismissed as a charlatan because he claimed he had discovered a way to do long division without an electronic calculator which everyone knew was imposible.

Do they still teach long division in school? Not so silly a question, even when I was in highschool they had dropped teaching how to extract roots. Use a slide rule or a table they said.


"You might as well accept people as they are,
you are not going to be able to change them anyway."

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