On Mon, 16 Feb 2004 21:29:49 +1300, you wrote:

>>>> The only question is whether there is, among that number,
>>>> a photographer who would bother to go through the effort
>>>> of learning how to do things "the hard way", and who would
>>>> then be able to produce better photographs.

IIRC, the wildlife photographer and photo seminar leader Arthur Morris
once claimed he never took his Canon off auto exposure, because it
nailed the exposure more reliably than his own efforts at manual
exposure or exposure compensation.   

This was a couple of years ago. Maybe he has changed his tune since
then.  I see he is now selling  "The Pocket Field Guide to Evaluative


Might not be a bad self-improvement project - assess and identify,
then commit to writing the metering or compensation for our common
photo situations.  Sort of like the Kodak film box suggestions, but in
more depth, and specific to our own camera(s) and style.

John Mustarde

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