frank theriault wrote:
> Hi, Keith,
> As someone already pointed out, he was talking $6K for the Leica which is
> still years away (if ever).  The DigiBessa will be "much less".

Oh yeah. . . I suspected as much. Leica prices are always out of line,
even if their cameras are not built by them anymore!
I've got a small fund building up that is my camera and equipment fund.
A separate checking account, sort of like a savings account. If I sell a
camera, or get some extra money not slated for something specific, it
goes into the separate account.

> Whatever.  They'll both be out of my price league anyway, so it's all quite
> abstract to me.  <g>

As I'm not in the market for such a camera, me too!  <g>
> I'm having enough trouble scraping together enough cash to get my Leica out
> of the shop for a fairly cheap repair.  Hopefully this pay period...

Which Leica is it? I may have read it before, but disremember. . .
> I still like film - haven't figured that out yet - still working on it...
> <vbg>

Hah! I do still have a Leica film camera, a C-1. . .
I'm going to be selling that one too.  It's just about brand new. I've
had it for almost a year, but only taken it on one photographic trip.
Results okay, but not Leica quality!
I bought it thinking it might be a real Leica. It isn't. the body has
been built by Matsushita and Panasonic.
All the settings are electronic, and you have to view their settings in
a very small window in the top plate, approximately 1/2" x 3/4", and
with my old eyes, it's a strain seeing those small letters and numbers.
Automatic everything.

Now, if it were a CL-1, I might keep it!  <g>  But it isn't.

Anyhow, I expect it to sell for roughly half of what I'm trying to sell
my LX for.
Sure hope I get some bites on that LX. Nothing yet. . .
> cheers,
> frank

Take care of yourself. Winter's barely begun up there!  <g>


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