I know myself and what I like to do with photography.  Shooting film is not
in my future.  Digital (as in a good DSLR) fits with my style and fills my
needs perfectly.

I can't imagine any circumstances when film would be proffered (to me,
remember, this is about MY preferences).  Never say never right?  well, if
someone put a gun to my head and said, "Use film!" I would happily do it.
Is this ever going to happen?  If National Geographic asked me to shoot a
story and it had to be on film I would have no hesitation to go against my
previous beliefs.  Will that ever happen?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: Newbie (to list) says Hello, and needs selling advice

> Just curious ... how do you "know" you will never shoot film
> again.  Can you not imagine a circumstance when using film
> might be required or preferred?  Not intending to start a
> film-digi debate, just aware that future situations are hard
> to predict.
> Christian wrote:
> >
> > Keep the LX and dump the other film bodies.  I dumped my LX and my 3
> > along with a Super Program and P3 because I KNEW I would never shoot
> > again.  If I thought I might use film, I would have kept only the LX.

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