Yeah,  but you could do it to the lowest sections only.
They're the weakest, and might profit from this the most.

John Forbes wrote:
This is an excellent idea, William. Of course, the legs won't then telescope back into themselves.


On Sun, 22 Feb 2004 07:38:18 -0600, William Robb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Larson" Subject: Re: Support for big glass

. Wooden

tripods absorb more vibration than aluminum will.

Has anyone tried filling the legs of an aluminum tripod with
expanding foam insulation?
I wonder if that would have a dampening effect.
A lot of the problem with metal tripods is that they are incapable of
damping certain pitches of vibration.
This is why a rig might work really well with one camera/lens
combination, and be a total flop with another.

William Robb

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