But, Ben Lomond (and nearby Loch Lomond) is beautiful in it's own way,
and the Scots recognized early on that similarity to some places "back
home." Today they do have some nice pub-style bar/lounges here and
there, and some fine, down to earth individuals, just like they do "back home."

keith whaley

John Francis wrote:
> Steven Desjardins opined:
[. . .]
> As an aside:  I've noticed that when the Scots migrate abroad
> to places with wonderful climates (New Zealand, California, ...)
> many choose the most inhospitable parts of the region.  Here
> in the San Francisco bay area many Scots settled in Ben Lomond,
> So instead of the warmth and sunshine available ten or twenty
> miles away, they get rain, fog, and precipitous slopes.  Sheer
> masochism.

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