Well, personally, I'd be disappointed if I logged on each morning and had
like two PDML emails.... I love the high volume, it is like a big party
going 24-7.  It is quite simple really, just delete those messages that are
irrelevant to you.

And I totally agree with Shel on this one, lets all just chill out "dudes",
and let the photos floooooooooooooowwwwwww, man...! and like, uh, peace out,
ok...  I mean like, art is art, and no-one can force it to be on like, on
just a Friday, ya know? .... man?

hehehe, from fairygirl who is feeling a trifle hippyesque today (well, I WAS
born in the 70s!)...



-----Original Message-----
From: Shel Belinkoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 24 February 2004 11:59 AM
Subject: PAW: Too Much PAW

Rob Studdert commented that the PAW postings are becoming
too much, and suggested that we only post PAW pics on

Phtooey! I say. The pics should come as the mood strikes
you, when you have a good one you want to share, or when you
have one you're looking for comments about.  And why just
one a week?  This is a photography list, pictures, images,
photographs ... call 'em what you will, we communicate
through our photos.

I've noticed that people who rarely post messages have
presented us with some photos.  Perhaps some of those people
find it hard to express themselves for one reason or another
... this list can be intimidating some times, the
discussions technical in nature and hard to follow, so the
posting of pictures is a great way for some people to
communicate and share their thoughts and feelings with the

I've also noticed that some of the more tech oriented people
haven't participated in the PAW yet ... after all their talk
about how valuable the technical and high tech side of gear
and peripherals is to making a good photo, I haven't seen
any of those good, high-tech produced pics.  C'mon guys,
join the party, show us your stuff.

Again, I'm not the moderator of the PAW, but my opinion is
to let the photos flow <LOL>.  If they are going to be
restricted to being posted only on a specific day of the
week, then I suggest that discussions about digital gear and
technical discussions, and discussions about flash, or film,
and even OT discussions, be limited to but one designated
day per week.

Anyway, Rob's comment was in response to Raimo's comment
that the list traffic was a bit heavy and that he was going
to unsubscribe for a while.  I don't believe Raimo said
anything specific about the PAW being the reason for his
decision ... don't have the message handy so I'm not sure.
But, regardless, this has always been a heavy traffic list,
and over the years many people have dropped off because of
the message count.  That's just the way it is.  So, let's
not pick on the PAW, especially since it's in its infancy.
It'll develop its own place on the list in time ... and I
bet it will still be overshadowed by tech talk.

Just my dos centavos ...


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