
seems very unfair to do porridge just for sppeding.

> but you never know if that's the only cop or if they're doing a sting
> and there's a gaggle of em round the next bend.

Here in London you can drive clockwise most of the way around Hyde
Park, but when you get to Knightsbridge there's a junction with no
right turn (same as no left turn in primitive countries <g>). For
years I used to drive around the park and, like thousands of others,
completely ignore this silly restriction.

One Sunday I was pottering along, driving round the park, and I made
the illegal right turn. There was a line of about 20 policemen across
the road, stopping all the people who did a right turn. It was like a
Clint Eastwood film.

One of them sauntered over to me. I wound down the window and he
leaned his head in.

Plod: Now then, Sir. What foul crime have we just committed?

Me: Um, well, I'm not sure, actually, really.

Plod: Do you know how many 'No Right Turn' signs there are at that
junction, Sir?

Me: Sorry, no. I didn't see any, or I wouldn't have turned.

Plod: Shall I tell you how many 'No Right Turn' signs there are, Sir?

Me: Yes, please.

Plod: There are 12, Sir.

Anyway, he let me off with a slap on the wrist, and I've never turned
right there again, in all these years.


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