frank theriault wrote:

> A couple of months ago, someone asked what our first and best piece of
> advice would be for tyros.  I think I said, "shoot lots".  I would like to
> change it to, "have a camera with you".  I'm not sure if anyone else said
> this (if you did, my apologies - I didn't notice).
> Any other thoughts on what the number one rule should be?

About six months ago, or a year ago, or whenever, someone did a PDML poll 
asking what the best photography tip was. (Not the one you are referring to that 
was more recent.)

I don't believe any particular tip won hands down -- not sure, I didn't 

But always have a camera with you came close to being number one.

So did shoot lots.

Get closer was very popular too.

And so was the one I remember suggesting, but it was also suggested by lots 
of people, worded in various ways. It essentially was "take your time" or "slow 

That would still be the one I go with the most.

Marnie aka Doe :-)  Being too impatient a person, sometimes. Well, often.

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