> 2.  Does anyone else know of a head that would be suitable for my main 
> purpose?  The problem with the 3265 is that it's not rated for this 
> massive of a lens, and when I try and position anything in the 
> viewfinder it slips away when I let it go . . .

Tha's odd - I've found that head to be quite capable of holding a much
heavier combination (MZ-S + BG + 250-600; around 6Kg) as long as the
lens is close to horizontal.

Yo *do* know that the tension is adjustable, right?  Dial it up to
even the half-way point and I've found it to be capable of holding
a lot more than the rated maximum load; the rating limit assumes the
worst case, which would be when you have the head at right angles to
the mounting axis.

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