Check out Cat # 393 - Long lens monopod bracket at -
It's the cheapest I've seen and should give you some ideas if you choose to build one. 

Kenneth Waller

-----Original Message-----
From: William M Kane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Re: Semi OT: Heavy Tripod Head Support

Don't think I'd know the first thing about building a gimbal, though 
the idea sounds fairly intruiging to me.  I'll have to look around for 
instructions . . . if you happen to see the instructions again John, 
I'd appreciate a link.

IL Bill
On Wednesday, March 3, 2004, at 06:32 AM, John Mustarde wrote:

> On Tue, 2 Mar 2004 10:54:21 -0600, you wrote:
>> John,
>>    I do realize at horizontal that the 3265 head performs nicely with
>> the 3 kg lens, however, I'm not shooting horizontally due to the high
>> incidence of 'things' in the way of the moon (trees, houses, etc).
>> Consequently I have to shoot at angles greater than 30 degrees much of
>> the time.  The tension adjustment is a good point though . . . very
>> nice, when shooting at higher angles I had it dialed up all the way
>> though :-(
> Why not build a gimbal just for high-angle shooting? Seems like a few
> hardware store items and angle iron would do the trick.  I'm sure I
> saw a home-made one on a web search awhile ago.  Plus I think there is
> a cheap gimbal (<$50) out there somewhere, maybe even Bogen.
> --
> John Mustarde

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